Annual Report 2018
Country Reports


Maria Olsson Swedish Energy Agency



The deployments that have been made during 2018 have taken place outside Sweden. 

CorPower Ocean develops a compact high-efficiency Wave Energy Converters, inspired by the pumping principles of the human heart. In 2018 CorPower completed Stage 3 demonstration in Orkney, EMEC Scapa flow site. After 18 months of combined dry and ocean testing of the C3 Wave Energy Converter (WEC), CorPower and project partners have taken important steps towards proving commercial viability of wave energy. By verifying the ability to solve the two major challenges for wave energy, storm survivability combined with significant power production, a major demonstration milestone has been completed. This has been possible with the help of a novel storm protection mode, minimizing motion and loads, and a novel phase control technology called WaveSpring that amplify the motion and power capture performance in operational sea states. 
The programme was financed by Wave Energy Scotland, InnoEnergy, Swedish Energy Agency and Interreg Foresea. CorPower is the first developer to complete Stage 3 demonstration within the Wave Energy Scotland programme.
21200-corpower.jpgCorPower C3 Wave Energy Converter in Orkney, Scotland
72584-minesto.jpgCommissioning Minesto´s kite

Minesto develops a technology called Deep Green that can produce electricity from low-velocity tidal and ocean currents. In 2018 Minesto successfully installed and commissioned a 500 kW demonstrator at the company’s site in the Holyhead Deep off North Wales.

A significant milestone for the company, as it meant Minesto verified functionality and achieved electricity generation with a unit at a commercial scale of its unique subsea kite technology. 

In parallel, prototype testing with a 3 kW scale model continued at Minesto’s test site in Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland.


Waves4Power is a developer of a buoy-based wave energy converter system. They have been demonstrating their buoy in Runde, Norway. After completing an update of the WaveEL buoy, the system will once again be grid-connected to the local grid, tested and verified. In parallel there is continued development of a next generation buoy (WaveEL 4.0) using new materials and system optimization. 
During 2017, the demonstration project at Sotenäs in Sweden was ended. Seabased AB has an ongoing dialogue with organizations to use Sotenäs demonstration site as a test site. Unfortunately, Seabased AB has recently advised that they will liquidate one of Seabased AB´s wholly owned subsidiaries, Seabased Industry AB. This primarily affects the factory in Lysekil, which will be closed. Seabased AB intends to continue their manufacturing elsewhere.
Based on the results from the completed Stage 3 demonstration, CorPower started stage 4-5 programme in mid-2018 after securing the first phase of programme funding from the Swedish Energy Agency, InnoEnergy and equity investors. The activities are divided in the following two stages:
  • Stage 4 – Demonstration and prototype certification of single device full scale C4 WEC, planned for 2018-2021. 
  • Stage 5 – Demonstration and type certification of pilot array with three C5 WECs, planned for 2021-2023. 
The HiWave-5 project aims at having at least three operational devices demonstrated in the pilot farm by 2023, delivering electricity to the grid with certification of availability and performance.  Several potential sites along the European Atlantic coast have been reviewed for HiWave-5, with Billia Croo in Scotland and Aguçadoura in Portugal remaining as main candidates. Final decision is expected in 2019.

In 2019 Minesto plans to continue open sea demonstration with its 500 kW converter in the Holyhead Deep, Wales, with the purpose of demonstrating long-term testing and power production performance. Minesto also continues site development in Holyhead towards installation of more devices and going towards a commercial demonstration array with Minesto devices.
Whatsmore, Minesto plans to install the first of two tidal stream installations on the Faroe Islands in 2019. The company signed a collaboration agreement with local utility SEV in November 2018, for two grid-connected installations of Minesto’s DG100 model as a first step of adding tidal energy by Minesto’s technology to the Faroese Island’s energy mix. Total installed capacity is approximately 200 kW.